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ChemSoc is an academic society that cares about our students. Each year we give our new Freshers a student mentor to signpost freshers to both academic and pastoral support. We actively encourage students to get involved in the wider workings of ChemSoc as well as its education aspects - this can range from sport, to Outreach and involvement with other societies. All of this will help to maintain your physical and mental wellbeing and this will impact on your physical heath and work too.

It is easy to assess your wellbeing online, using the WEMWBS scale (to embed tool, find on this page (

There are five basic and evidence-based steps that will actively improve your mental wellbeing;

1. Connect - Develop your relationships with friends, family and colleagues i.e. why not

join a society/sports team or arrange to meet your friends on a regular basis?


2. Be active - This could be anything from going for a walk, going to the gym or playing

sport (

3. Keep Learning - this will help increase your confidence.You could learn anything

from a musical instrument to a new language

4. Give - this could be anything from volunteering with outreach to wishing someone good morning

(!outreach/cl62 and

5. Stay mindful - keep things in perspective including your thoughts, emotions, body

and the world around you. (

The easiest way to do this is to be open and share with your friends and/or family. Nightline also offers a fantastic service on campus (see below).

Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown (Warwick Medical School) has a special interest in determining and improving mental wellbeing. Her research links are below for you to access the science of wellbeing. (

We understand that university can be a stressful and challenging experience. For those who are struggling through hard times, whether that be exam stress or more serious issues, we hope that the following information will help you access the support you need. 

The NHS also has a web page dedicated to helplines for a range of organisations covering mental health and absue-related issues:

Amongst these are:
Anxiety UK - , 08444 775 774 (Mon-Fri, 9.30am-5.30pm) Mind -, 0300 123 3393 (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm)
Refuge -, 0808 2000 247 (24-hour helpline)


A wide range of issues are covered here so if you are in need go any support have a browse here. 

© Warwick ChemSoc 2024

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