Executive Committee 2024-25

Our exec is voted in directly by ChemSoc members, and is responsible for the smooth running of the society. They perform many different functions and ensure we are upholding the society's constitution, which is always under revision to keep it up-to-date. The exec are always approachable, happy to listen to new ideas on new events we could run, societies we could collaborate with or anything else on your mind.
Getting involved with ChemSoc exec is a great experience as it places you in a decision-making environment which is meaningful whilst always remaining convivial. We will be recruiting Freshers Representatives alongside other roles so keep an eye on our Instagram.
Luke Glasson
3rd Year BSc Student
Hi everyone and welcome to the exec for 24/25. I'm your president and looking to build on my experiences as social sec from the past year. Catch me at most events and if you need a chat or have some advice for ChemSoc please let me know! All the best for the next year and enjoy yourselves
Vice President
Gowry Rajesh
3rd Year MChem Student
Hey Everyone, I'm Gowry and I'm your vp for the next year. I have a particular focus on the education and development side of things, with me being responsible for the mentor scheme. I'm also organising the annual ball for everyone to enjoy. Hope everyone has a good year
Riley Canning
2nd Year MChem Student.
I'm Riley, I'm looking to build upon being Freshers rep last year and continue to grow the society by being the treasurer. I look forward to all the opportunities this will bring.
Alice Ray
3rd Year BSc Student
Hello, I'm Alice I am your secretary and organise the behind the scenes, I'm excited to be a part of this years exec and help grow ChemSoc into the future
Education Officer
William Eva
3rd Year BSc Student
I'm Will and I'm active and engaged within ChemSoc, being part of the football teams and look forward to being part of the duo organising the ChemCafés and student led classes
Education Officer
Kavi Patel
2nd Year MChem Student
I'm Kavi and I'm the other half of the education team. A constant feature of Chem Running for the past year, I'll be helping organise useful events for everyone at ChemCafés and SLC's
Sports Officer
Katy Edinborough
3rd Year BSc Student
Hi everyone! I'm Katy, I've been an active member of ChemSoc and am the returning sports officer. I'm looking forward to helping everyone be active whether it be running football netball or any other sport
Publicity Officer
Joakim Mol-Romero
2nd Year BA Student (HisPol)
Hello, I'm Joakim and I'm the random HisPol student on the ChemSoc exec. I got involved with Chem through the sports teams early in term one and wanted the opportunity to help everyone out and run the social medias. Check out all the posts on instagram!
Social Secretary
Jack Williams
3rd Year MChem Student
I'm Jack and I'm one half of your social sec duo for the next year. I'm very excited for all the events me and Dylan are going to be running together next year, from bar crawls to Warwicks famous circles along with board game nights and events for everyone, so come on down to meet new people. See you there!
Social Secretary
Dylan Wicking
2nd Year BSc Student
I'm Dylan and I'm the other half of your social sec duo for the year, I'm excited for the next year as we have a great line up of socials organised for you. It's a great opportunity to meet new people and have a great time with a good group of people, see you all soon!
Interdisciplinary Officer
Justin Kimathi
2nd Year MChem Student
Hi everyone! I'm Justin and I'm looking to get everyone in the society involved and organise interdisciplinary events so that we can increase our horizons beyond just the chemistry department. Look forward to meeting you all.
Tour Coordinator
Jonathan Baguley
3rd Year BSc Student
Hi, I'm organising this years tour and looking forward to arranging it! Anywhere in particular you might want to go feel free to drop suggestions! As former social sec I can promise it will be a good time!
Women's Officer
Kylini Suganthan
3rd Year BSc Student
Hi I’m Kylini and I’m the new Women’s Officer :) I’ll be planning and hosting events focused on increasing the engagement of women in ChemSoc !! I love to bake and draw in my spare time, and my fav artists at the moment are grentperez, Laufey, and beabadoobee. I’m always happy to have a chat about anything so feel free to do so !!
Charities and Welfare
Qetsia Madika
2nd Year BSc Student
Hi, I'm Qetsia and I'm your charities and welfare officer! I'm looking forward to the opportunity to raise money for charities and give back to the local community! Along with this if anyone needs to drop by I aim to be a friendly approachable face so always come and find me!!
Environmental Officer
Udit Desai
3rd Year BSc Student
Hey, I’m Udit and I will be serving as your environmental officer in the 2024/2025 Chemsoc Exec. I am going to my 3rd year of the Mchem and I cant wait to contribute to the community through promoting sustainability.
Inclusivity and Diversity
Ruby Fletcher
3rd Year BSc Student
Hi, my name is Ruby and I will be your diversity and inclusion officer this year!
I am a third year chemistry student and have been a part of chemsoc since my first freshers week and really enjoy going to all the socials :)
I hope to run socials this year that everyone enjoys and feels included in.
Outreach Officer
Abi Barnett
3rd Year BSc Student
I'm Abi and for the next year I'm one of your outreach officers. I'm eager to spread science through the community and excited for what this brings. Anyone who wants to get involved please get in contact with us.
Outreach Officer
Iffat Jabeen
3rd Year BSc Student
I'm Iffat and I'm one of your outreach officers for the next year! I'm ready to help out and make science fun and spread it around. We will have lots of opportunities for everyone to get involved and boost your CV.
Events Coordinator
Sam Poole
3rd Year BSc Student
Hey everyone! I'm Sam I'm one half of the events coordinator team. Last year we ran the ACORNS event and am looking forward to helping put more events on. Catch me around campus if you can!
Events Coordinator
Lakshana Sridhar
3rd Year BSc Student
Hello! My names Lakshana and I'm the other events coordinator. Last year we ran ACORNS for sixth form students and this year we are looking to put on more events. Looking forward to next year.