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Every Monday 17:00-19:00

B2.01 and B2.02 (Science Concourse)


"ChemSoc has always found ways of getting our members to aid in the academic development of other students"


- George Hawker-Bond, ChemSoc President 2015-16

ChemCafé, our flagship student-run event, offers a wide range of sessions offering student support for all years. We offer an informal environment in which to meet new people, seek help with chemistry-related issues, participate in skills workshops, work with coursemates as well as hear both internal & external speakers. Each week, pizza and refreshments are provided free of charge. 

Our flagship Student Led Class scheme was set-up to allow those who’ve already sat the exams to give a few hints and tips to those about to sit them. It is a great way to get to know the ropes of university exams and how to put Chemistry from pen to paper. Student led classes can be invaluable for a student hoping to take their grade to the next level. 

Student Led Classes
Student Led classes

© Warwick ChemSoc 2024

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